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  • 04 Jan 2019

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التغذية الإخبارية

Wastewater Management Nablus East - PALESTINE

Retendering- Invitation To Bid Wastewater Management Nablus East - PALESTINE Nablus Municipality in cooperation with KreditanstaltfürWiederaufbau (KfW) would like to invite the eligible qualified contractors tore-tender the following Bid: “Reuse– Inside Scheme” Bid No. NE 65/01/63/2015 Supply and Installation of Equipment, Plants, Seeds in addition to  Civil Works and Operation and Maintenance of the Reuse Project  for Two Years at Nablus West WWTP "إعادة إستخدام المياه المعالجة داخل حدود المحطة" عطاءرقم: 65/01/63/2015NE عطاء تزويد وتركيب الآلات والمعدات و النباتات والأشتال والأعمال المدنية وكذلك أعمال التشغيل والصيانة لمدة سنتين لمشروعإعادةإستخدامالمياهالمعالجةفيالريداخلمحطةتنقيةنابلسالغربية Tender is open for qualified contractors registered in the Contractors union at least Grade one or two in the field of water and wastewater joint venture or in association with qualified agricultural contractor who has solid well specified experience and qualification in agricultural works. Tender Documents can be collected from the Contracting Department, Nablus Municipality, starting from Saturday12December 2015 upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of 300 NIS. Pre-bid meeting and site visit will take place at Nablus West WWTP site at 10:00am on Thursday17th of December2015. Further questions and requests for clarifications after the pre-bid meeting date shall be submitted in writing to the address below up to Close of Business of Tuesday22nd December 2015. Bids shall be submitted to the Contracting Department, Nablus Municipality on Sunday27thDecember 2015 before 11:00 a.m. Each Bid shall be accompanied with a Bid Security of 15,000 EU (Fifteen Thousand Euro) valid for 120 days after the dead line of submission Bids, and to be delivered to the address below: Nablus Municipality (NM) – Contracting Department Att. Mayor of Nablus Faisal Street- P.O. Box 218,   Telephone +97292390000,     Fax +972 9 2374690 Nablus, Palestine   Best Regards, Eng. SameehTubaila Mayor of Nablus